

To see newer news go back

March 1, 2002

I have an 8:30 class with a test, so don't expect a new strip until around 10 AM east coast time. That's when I get out of that class. Trust me, I really need to sleep or I'll pass out. Anyway, goodnight, sleep tight.

I got an 85! I passed!! Woohoo!!

February 27, 2002

Morning everyone. I have a couple projects and tests over the nex few days so I have one day this week covered by Hoshi (psst, go see her comic here. It just started but looking real good). I'm going to use that day for studying. Oh, and also for this weekend, I doubt that there will be a comic at all. Maybe I'll just upload sketches those days, but I really need this weekend to rest..... and the fact that I'm going to a concert on one day and also having an all night laser tag. All night. And I'm working on Saturday. All those reasons make me really tired and I can't do anything according to the comic story line. But.... I guess I'll just make something else. I'll probably make something comic style format, but not inked and not colored. I hope that will tide you guys over. Anyway, later for now!!


February 24, 2002

Morning? Or Afternoon?

Eh, doesn't even matter. I just woke up and realized I never updated the news part. Anyway, the person in the 2nd panel could be found at Sluggy Freelance. For those that read the comic might think that the person looks familiar. Think Torg's blind date ^_^. For everyone else, here is when that person makes the first appearence in Sluggy ^_^.

Well, I posted yet again to get a keenspace forum. Old messages were ignored I guess and all the people that haven't been waiting as long as me got their board. I guess you could say I'm a bit sour about that. Just a little bit sour >:-(. But, hopefully I'll get one soon enough, maybe in the next couple days. I don't want to wait a week for it, but eh. Whatever happens, well, it happens. Nothing I can do about it. Just let things flow the way they flow...... umm.... what was I talking about? I kind of got off track...

Anyway, I think that stereotype that women are bad drivers is true. I'm taking in consideration that I'm a girl too. I don't know if it's because I only started driving this year or just the fact that I'm bad. I'm surprised that I haven't even got into an accident. Talk about miracles of all miracles ^_^, neh?

Anyway, back to the comic. I hope you liked today's as much as I liked drawing and coloring it. I guess you could say that today's comic is one of my favorites so far ^_^. Later!

I Got a keenspace board!!!! Yay!!!! It looks nicer than my old board!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


February 3, 2002


I hope you noticed that I somewhat changed the character design for Jay. I like her better this was and she is so much easier for me to color this way. Yeah, I guess I'm sticking with color at the moment. Its hard to do it everyday though, with as much time as I have. That means I work really hard on the weekend to get some strips out for the weekdays. But at least it is giving me an idea of how hard other daily webcomic artists work.

Hopefully I'll be getting a message board soon, just in case anybody has anything to say. As soon Keen is settled and is starting to take baord requests again, I'll be getting a board. Until then email me or IM me and tell me how I'm doing or what you think. My IM is "I Think I Wish". That's original, right? Heh...joking, that is the dumbest name I have, but eh, it works and it is related to the comic and no one claimed that name.

Oh yeah, concerning what is happening in the comic, well, it's the first of a (very) short fight scene. Trust me, it won't take too long at all. I'n not at all good at drawing out fight scenes period. Ah well, I tried. Hmmm... for those of you that actually read the news, well, I guess I should say wow. ::Gives you readers a hug::. ^_^ What do you expect? I love hugging people. Hugging strangers is a little strange for me but, as soon as I do get a message board, don't be a stranger ^_^. Okay, I need to go now and draw more strips. Later y'all!!


January 24, 2002


It looks like everything fixed about halfway through the day. As you might have noticed, I changed the site layout a bit. I hope it looks better than before and I hope it isn't too much of an eyesore for you guys. Okay, and a little warning. A couple comics from now, I'm going to have the strips manga sized (full page). Its only 5 or 6 strips that are like that. They aren't going to be colored because I shaded it with pencil a long while ago (I already drew these strips in 2001). It would be too much a pain and I don't have the time to color them. Small strips aren't that much of a problem compaired with the large ones. If you don't like the style, don't worry, just hold out for a few strips. The rest aren't going to be like that but in regular format.

I'm really hoping autokeen is going to work for me because I'm leaving this weekend back home. I just have some stuff to do but I'll be back at my regular computer on Sunday. Also, This is important!! I really would like to know what width size does everybody prefer. Its because it's about half half of people who use 800x600 and 1024x768 pixels. I'm currently hovering over the width sizes between 800 and 1000, depending on the strip, but I would really like to have a solid size. I guess until I get a message board, would anybody mind emailing me and telling me? Thank you, I would really appreciate it. Besides, it's for the benifit of the comic and all who do actually read it. I guess I'll say a little more about the story line sooner or later, without giving too much away. I'm guess I should say this right now, just so you guys get an idea of how the story is going to be like, while this is going to be an epic, it is going to be composed of smaller short stories. But then again, I still have to go through the introduction, and that would take a little longer. But that's all I'm going to say for now. Just for now.

Anyway, I feel like I should rant. I want to rant. I had a bad day yesterday.The ground was soft with the snow and I was walking to class. Well I thought the ground was dry, I guess I wasn't paying too much attention, but I fell! It turned out it was really muddy dirt. And I was wearing a long black trenchcoat made of wool so it dirtied that and my favorite pair of jeans. And I couldn't go back to change because I would have been late to class. Luckly, I managed to get rid of most of the dirt with some clean snow on the ground. It froze my hand but it thawed afterwards so I didn't mind much. then, at work, something with a sharp end fell on the top part of my foot, where the ankle meets the foot. Lucky me, my jeans saved me from the cut. Unlucky me was that it was filled with hot oily water and it splashed all over the back on jeans (on the same side that the mud was on too!). Anway, other things happened, but they were way too small. And then the day before!! Sheesh...for some reason, the past couple days straight involved me getting me favorite clothes dirty from bad luck. I'm done for now, I hope you enjoy today's comic. Later alligators!!


January 23, 2002

Hello Everybody!!!

::Stretches:: Well, it's good to be back. I've noticed keen is a bit slow, eh? Anyway...I made a quick update yesterday. I guess nothing happened for it. I only hope that today's comic shows. Oh, I made fanart for F.O.G. Club Adventure. I like how I drew out Scott the best. Ehem...anyway, I have a gift for all of you ^_^. Yes indeedy. I'm sure you'll love this one ^_^. I'm going to be running daily for a while. Yep, you heard that right, 7 days a week. I want to see if I can handle it. Don't worry though. I drew enough comics over the break that it will last a while. Although, granted if I do the comics daily, and with the classes I'm taking this semester, you won't get so many color comics. Only a couple here and there when I feel I have the time to color. Its just that I want the story to move on. Its going to slow for me even and 2 or even 3 days a week isn't going to cut it out for me. So, I hope you all enjoy this daily sequence while it lasts. I'm going to try to make it work, that's for sure.

Oh, and if anyone has any idea of how I can make this site look, (I want to redesign a bit), just email me. I want to change it up a bit and make it look nicer, but I'm no website designer. I'm can barely handle HTML (and for all of you out there that can and make those wonderful websites that I go to and the programs that I use, well, I bow down to you skills.), but if I had an idea of what to do, or something, I'll try to look it up and try it. Don't give me anything too hard to do. I plan on having the site fixed up somewhere the beginning of Febuary. Alright, I guess I'm going to go to work now. Have a nice day all of you!!

News update: it seems that autokeen did not seem to work for me. I'm going to have to keep an eye on it. If it still doesn't work, go here to see it: Hopefully autokeen will work again once they fixed the server. I have no time to check on it today because of classes, but I'll try my best to figure something. But from now on, if it doesn't work, I'll post a link to the comic in the news. Later!